Monday, December 14, 2009

I got a new Camera!!!! Other stuff too!!!!

I am so psyched! I got a new camera this weekend its totally amazing! Sadly though my old one broke. My blue casio exilim died. May it rest in pieces! Just kidding! It didnt bust open into different pieces!Logan dropped it in the kitchen and the lens popped halfway out! Sydnee was able to pop it back in! Thank you! Sadly it did not fix it it! Every picture I took was blurry! So now I have a Nikon Coolpix! It is 12 megapixels with a 7x optical zoom! It has a continous mode and its perfect for sports! I love it! Its a little bigger than my other one but its still as portable! Well anyways Life has been pretty good! Weigh training ended, we start inturmurals as soon as we come back from winter break! I have 3 maybe 4 projects to do. I have to do an animal cell for biology thats due this friday! I have to squeeze that in with regular homework and my Extravaganza rehersals and performances! My life is just way to busy! My other 3 projects are for english! 2 of them are mandatory the 3rd one is extra credit. We are doing presentations on a Greek God or Godess of our choice, I chose Haphaestus the god of fire and craftsman! In other words he is the big red fat guy in Herculeas that makes lighting bolts for zeus. Then we have to a cruise brochure, featuring places from the odyssey by homer. Well I have to go or should go anyway! Bye!


thecustercrew said...

that wasn't your first chritmas ornament. the one with the baby slippers is :)
