Saturday, February 7, 2009

Flashbacks of 2008

2008 was not great. I lost things and didn't gain to much back. My best friend moved to Tennessee, my cat was murdered in a hit-n-run on my 13th birthday, and I didn't make the school basketball team. I know this is really late but you know me I get lazy sometimes. I went running today in the pouring rain it was pretty cool I love the rain. Anyways 2008 was not my year I really hope this year will be better.


Darrell and Alissa said...

Watching your slide show seemed like you had lots of good things happen in 2008 also- jsut remember bad always comes with the good- it make sus stronger- wether we want to be stronger or not!!:)

Karen said...

It looks like you had a great year. When you come to visit your aunt this summer you will have to call us and if it is not too far we can come and get you and you can stay with us for a few day. YOu will have to tell your mom you are leaving home for a month and will come back and she will have to pay all the bills while you are gone and playing. See not so bad to be the only girl. P.S. I love the new you no braces and glasses. Cute Cute Cute your mom had better lock the door and not let any boys around. Keep the the good work you are awesome.
